Lemonade ham bag
Got more ham than the fam can handle? Here’s a top tip to keep your Christmas ham fresh as – soak a ham bag in flat lemonade to keep your ham tender and moist.
- Ham bag or pillowcase/tea towel
- 4 cups of water
- 2 tablespoons of flat lemonade
- Left over ham
- Soak a ham bag, pillowcase or a tea towel in 4 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of flat lemonade
- Wring out excess water and place ham in the ham bag, pillowcase or wrap in a tea towel. Store in coolest part of the fridge
- Re-soak bag in solution every few days or when ham bag dries out.
Freeze it – cover it loosely with baking paper (not plastic wrap, as this makes the ham deteriorate more quickly), then with foil. Ham can be frozen like this for two weeks