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Gut Groupies

Find out how you can support the Gut Foundation on their quest to keep New Zealanders healthy. 

Why is it that every day in NZ 9 people are diagnosed with Bowel cancer and despite being a curable disease 3 of them die and 2/3 are men?

The Gut Foundation wants to get to the bottom of this and the many other Gut diseases that are affecting us here in the South Island. Support us and become a Gut Groupie today!

Support South Islanders with a donation,
every week, month or year, and join us in making a difference!


In the New Zealand context, little is known about the reasons why people do not present to their doctor with gut symptoms. Maybe they don’t recognise the symptoms maybe they are embarrassed maybe its cultural but maybes aren’t good enough! We have had the best and the Brightest here in Canterbury develop a Research paper to understand why. When we know the answers, we can find the solution. 

We’re thrilled the Foodstuffs (South Island) Community Trust is as dedicated to the people of the South Island as we are.  As part of their three-year sponsorship partnership with us, the Foodstuffs Community Trust has committed $60,000 towards this research project. This generous support from the Foodstuffs Community Trust has enabled us to kickstart this vital research project and together we’re committed to playing an important part in helping to save lives and improve the lifestyle of Mainlanders.

With a total cost of $150,000, this (informative) research project opens up an opportunity for you to help. We are looking for others who are also committed to the South Island to donate, to this project. You can become part of this journey helping our researchers, led by Dr Richard Gearry, Professor of Medicine at the University of Otago, Christchurch and Consultant Gastroenterologist to do a deep dive into why Gut symptoms can go undiagnosed.

How do I get involved?
  • Contribute any weekly or monthly amount that you think you can do without.
  • Set up a direct debit to out Westpac account 03 1703 0043327 00.
  • Donations can start any time.
  • All contributions are fully tax deductible and full receipts will be provided.
  • As a supporter – we’ll keep you fully updated on our progress and outcomes.
  • Become a Gut Groupie today and sponsor this research in 2020 and 2021. If your circumstances change you can increase or decrease your donation at any time.

    We will offer the opportunity, to meet the researchers and hear a little more about the project. You will network with like-minded people. Your family name will be promoted as a research partner on our Gut Groupies page. We will profile this research on the website, and ensure you are provided with updates as the research progresses. Once completed you will be invited to a presentation to share the results and to enable you to talk with all the other people who have also supported this research.

    Supporting this latest project will provide information to ensure South Islanders have better gut health outcomes.
    Find out more information about the Gut Foundations' latest research, gut health and how you can support them at