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From the 1st February 2024 the foil tray used in the Mix and Match range will no longer be recyclable through kerbside recycling collection bins.

There have been some recent changes in government kerbside recycling regulations that have meant the responsible thing to do is to let you know that our foil trays used in the Mix and Match range should be placed in the bin and not your kerbside recycling from the 1st of Feb 2024. To help you do the right thing with our packaging while we find an alternative, we have printed the following recycling information on our pack.

What are the changes to Kerbside Recycling?

On the 13th of September 2023 the Government announced the standard materials for kerbside collection which are to be in operation from 1 February 2024.
Standard Materials for Kerbside Collections Notice 2023 (Notice No. 1) - 2023-go4222 - New Zealand Gazette
This guidance document published by the Ministry for the Environment provides further explanatory detail and examples on the kerbside standard materials changes.
Improving household recycling and food scrap collections | Ministry for the Environment

What does this mean for our packaging?

It means that our current foil tray is no longer recyclable through kerbside collections from 1 February 2024.

Why did you choose a foil tray for the packaging?

In the design of our Mix & Match range we were focused on packaging that meets our packaging principles and delivers on our 2025 sustainable packaging commitments. The reason we originally chose foil was for its ability to be used in microwave, oven and air fryer as well it being easily recyclable for customers. Worldwide foil is highly valuable in existing recycling streams as it doesn’t lose any of its properties in the recycling process and can be recycled over and over again.

However in New Zealand foil trays will no longer be recyclable in kerbside recycling from 1st Feb 2024.

Are you going to change to different packaging?

We have been proactively working with our supplier and packaging companies to find a suitable replacement that will deliver on food safety, customer utility as well as being either reusable, recyclable or home compostable as per our Sustainability Commitments.

What are your Sustainability commitments?

We're committed to improving packaging sustainability and are working hard to reduce the environmental impact of packaging across the business. Our commitment to doing better. We know packaging pollution is an issue many New Zealanders care deeply about. It's an issue we care deeply about too.

We are working towards 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable retail and private label packaging by 2025. This commitment applies to all packaging types. For example, plastic, fibre, glass, and metal. Packaging serves an important role in the food and grocery sector to protect goods, extend shelf-life and communicate information to customers. However, it is important that packaging is designed with 'end-of-use' and the New Zealand recycling system in mind.

To keep our work focused, we have also developed 10 Sustainable Packaging Principles and are actively encouraging our suppliers to move in this direction with us.

Read about our 10 Sustainable Packaging Principles