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Looking after our patch

Foodstuffs Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2022

Read about our how we are delivering on our commitment to be Here for NZ 

We’re proudly 100% New Zealand owned and operated. We take our role to look after this place we all call home seriously. More than ever, we’ve seen how important it is that all New Zealanders have access to healthy and affordable food. We recognise we have an important role to play to make that happen and ensuring we operate in a way that delivers our social promises playing our part in every community. Our Social Responsibility Reports share our progress on how we are delivering on our social promises to New Zealand against our strategy.

Read our 2022 Social Responsibility Report

Our commitment to our people and our place. Here for NZ is our commitment to supporting New Zealanders where and when they need it, and to safeguarding the future of the environment. It sums up our core purpose and what we stand for as a business.

Download 2022 report [PDF]